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Qualifications and Competence to Practice

Independent Audiologists Australia Code of Ethics and Rules of Professional Conduct

  1. University qualifications in audiology are held by full members of IAA. 
  2. Qualifications may be postgraduate diploma or Masters degrees (or equivalent).  Members who have completed further study and hold doctoral qualifications (PhD or AuD obtained overseas) may use whatever title is the privilege of holding that qualification.  Members are not to misrepresent their qualifications or experience.
  3. The names and qualifications of all professional staff regularly providing services at the practice are displayed to patients.  At all times, the name of the attending staff member (and anyone under supervision) is given to patients (and any person accompanying them) at the start of the consultation.
  4. Culturally safe and sensitive practice is achieved by seeking to understand the cultural needs and contexts of all patients as needed to obtain optimal audiological outcomes.  Respect for, and sensitivity towards the cultural needs of communities including Deaf, LGBTI, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and those from other culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. 
  5. IAA members facilitate an environment free from discrimination, victimisation, sexual harassment, vilification and the seeking of unnecessary information on which discrimination might be based for all staff and patients.

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