Interested in sponsoring IAA, to show your support for independent Audiology and share your brand directly with independent clinic owners? Click here to see upcoming partnership opportunities, or contact us by email to discuss a custom arrangement.
How IAA uses sponsorshipIndependent Audiologists Australia is a not for profit professional association that promotes and supports clinical practices owned by audiologists. Members of Independent Audiologists Australia are individuals who hold audiology qualifications and a financial interest in an audiology related business that is at least 50 % owned by audiologists. The association represents more than 100 members whose practices operate from more than 400 locations. The association delivers an Excellence in Education programme of seminars and master classes on topics directly relevant to best clinical and business practice in Audiology. The programme is delivered at locations across Australia – taking into account convenience and affordability for those attending. Members of the association receive priority placement at all seminars and master classes. Selected seminars are open to members only, but most seminars are open to both members and non-members. Feedback from participants and delegates is that IAA events are of a very high standard in terms of content, speakers and organization. The association is closely associated with the Academy of Doctors of Audiology and Independent Audiologists New Zealand, sharing online resources and holding joint ongoing education events. We are affiliated to consumer groups - Hearing Matters Australia, Better Hearing Australia, Deafness Forum, and we keep in close contact with Parents of Deaf Children and Aussie Deaf Kids. IAA accepts donations and sponsorship for its educational programme, according to set terms that ensure the independence of the association whilst promotiong transparent and productive relationships with all sponsors. Upcoming events